Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey

Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey

Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey is no stranger to the challenges that women — particularly women of color — face within the marijuana industry. The 35-year-old cannabis creative started working with marijuana in 2005 in Humboldt County, California. At the time, Aggrey says,...
Cannabis 101: Why Terpenes Matter

Cannabis 101: Why Terpenes Matter

When it comes to determining the perfect variety of cannabis for your desired outcomes, there are a multitude of factors to consider. How do you want to feel? Are you trying to be energetic and creative or just trying to get to sleep after a busy day? In addition to...
Cannabis 101: Edibles

Cannabis 101: Edibles

The 411 on Edibles Edibles are a fun and convenient way to dose your cannabis, but they can produce too much of a good thing if you’re not careful about dosing.   The legal U.S. markets have become advanced with brands like Wana Brands, Colorado, and Défoncé...