Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey

Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey

Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey is no stranger to the challenges that women — particularly women of color — face within the marijuana industry. The 35-year-old cannabis creative started working with marijuana in 2005 in Humboldt County, California. At the time, Aggrey says,...
The Experiential Art of Cannabis-Infused Cooking

The Experiential Art of Cannabis-Infused Cooking

By the time Chef Liv Vasquez arrived in Portland, in 2011, cannabis was on the verge of being legalized in Oregon. Seizing the moment when it finally was in 2014, Vasquez began educating herself on ethical cannabis, its myriad health benefits, and how it could be...

Canna-Recipes by Laurie + Maryjane

Canna Carrot Potato Soup The cumin and the caraway seeds flavor this creamy soothing soup. It’s a perfect rainy night soup. Carrots and potatoes are such a great pair. “This soup also rocks with sweet potato. When I serve that variation, I add a dollop of sour...