Is It Safe to Use Cannabis During Pregnancy?
We explore the topic in Issue 02 of Sweet Jane Magazine Legal access to...
How Would You Like Your Cannabis Served?
The advent of legal cannabis has brought about big developments in the...
Is It Safe to Breastfeed and Smoke Weed?
In August 2018, the University of California San Diego School of Medicine...
Namaste, Cannabis Yoga
Combining down dog and bud for optimal relaxation and healing Cannabis...
Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey
Mennlay Golokeh Aggrey is no stranger to the challenges that women —...
More Baby Boomers are Turning to Cannabis
Step aside, younglings, the older generation wants a hit. Baby boomers...
Cannabis 101: Understanding Your ECS
The science behind why your body positively responds to cannabinoids....
“Blunt Talks” Aims to Build Community Within a Growing Industry
Blunt Talks presented a diverse group of speakers who talked about the...
Sweet Jane Snags a Seat at Lowell Cafe in LA
Walk into the Lowell Cafe in West Hollywood and it may not immediately be...
Cannabis Doing Good
Before publishing Sweet Jane, it never occurred to me that cannabis could...
Wellness at Northern Lights Festival
It comes as little surprise that California’s cannabis culture is so far...
Let’s Talk About The Risks With Vaping
SWEET JANE readers likes vapes. Many women prefer them to other forms of...