There really aren’t words for what we are living right now.
If you’re like me, you’re well into another week of social distancing, working from home, educating children, attempting patience with a partner, and cooking more meals than you can ever remember (or cared to think about). If that is your reality right now, we are fortunate (albeit overwhelmed mentally, emotionally, and physically).
We are not sick. We’re not on the front lines. We are still working. We have food. And our homes are filled with loved ones we can be near, even if we don’t want to.
I am fearful for our friends and family who are not as fortunate. For those who do not have homes. For those who have lost income. For those who cannot access needed care for the virus, or the depression and anxiety it is causing. I am thinking of you. Every day.
It’s taken me this long to draft this post, because like so many, I am struggling to find the time, the energy, and even the inspiration. I’ve never felt this way in my life. That said, it would be easy for us to push pause on our small but important magazine; and as far as the print edition is concerned, we are forced to. But I cannot bear the thought of abandoning our mission to empower women and mothers through cannabis. Honestly, I feel like our work now is more important than ever.
A friend sent me a text the other day. “Thanks for reinforcing gender roles, Coronavirus!!” I laughed at the time, then I realized many women are still carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, just as they did before, but that weight is now much, much heavier.
Therefore, myself and the team of talented contributors who also believe in this mission will continue to write and photograph, bringing you relevant, interesting, and educational content. See our recent story on cannabis companies responding to Coronavirus, or tips on homeschooling from a cannamom, or if you’re enjoying **not enjoying** having your children around more, see our piece on talking to your children about cannabis (a lesson perhaps?!).
Our direction is so important right now because we are living the very things we are covering, and for all of us that means, caring for others begins with caring for ourselves. And it just so turns out, cannabis is an amazing tool for self care.
As we move forward I invite readers to share SWEET JANE with others so that we can build a community. I invite others to share their stories with us. And I invite partners, old and new, to let us know how we can support your company and your employees at this time.

I wish all our readers, partners, and contributors good health, security, and connection. You are not alone, we are right here with you, in good times and bad. Now, is it 4:20 yet?!
Katy, Publisher + Founder
Photography from top: My child (so much artwork right now!); Hallie Sigwing