When it comes to choosing smoking essentials defined by a modern-day vibe that match your unique aesthetic, think coffee-table worthy, not head-shop bargains. It was only a matter of time before enterprising artists, on the doorstep of widespread cannabis legalization, saw the opportunity to express themselves by creating fashionable, one-of-a-kind accessories to elevate imbibing.
From luxe and chic to function-meets-design, all available for online shopping indulgences 24/7, here are a few of Sweet Jane’s top picks to complement your cannabis experience and provide a deeper cerebral connection. Not to mention, they are too pretty not to display.
Stonedware Co.
Founded on the notion that personal style and smoking are perfectly aligned, Portland, Oregon’s Stonedware Co. gives the imbibing world sleek and sexy porcelain pipes with a signature faceted design that are frosted in a food-safe glaze. According to the boutique company’s website, the distinctive, ergonomic design delivers a “smoother smoking experience.” Founded by artist Ariel Zimman of RELM Studios, Stonedware Co. seems to have read our minds with these sculptural, made-to-order, hand-painted couture-inspired pipes. Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” or Carrie Bradshaw would have approved of these elegantly petite works of art, including one model that rocks 22K gold. Even the more industrial and diminutive Purse Pipe is thoughtfully designed.
Los Angeles artist Klai Brown’s imaginative ceramic smokeware intersects with high-end art—hand-glazed pipes, dishes, and one-hitters with cheeky personality that proclaim your individuality. The artist finds inspiration by transforming every day, mundane objects into artistically modish art pieces, punctuated by quirky odd beauty and personification. Cannabis enthusiasts live for elevating their rituals, and Brown’s clever, modern designs are just the ticket—smokeware that finds a place in living spaces and an intimate part of the purchaser’s personal style. And dare we say—some of Brown’s creations are downright cute, in a very creative, adult and approachable way.
Written by Jeanne Stern, Photography by Hallie Sigwing